About Us
Read about the background of Broadoak Consulting and the philosophy that underpins our work.

Financial Consultant Exeter
Ashley is a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in both the UK and Australia. He also holds a Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Science.
Over the past 20 years he has gained experience as a Chartered Accountant with Ernst and Young and BDO as well as extensive corporate finance experience in Exeter, London, Melbourne and Zurich with a number of international banks.
In that time he has worked with various businesses in terms of both industry and size from entrepreneurs and small and medium enterprises (SME’s) to multinationals.

Our Philosophy
We have worked with many businesses over the years to support their growth, identify and overcome challenges and provide support. In both Corporate Banking and Chartered Accounting we have learnt to quickly identify areas for both structural and financial improvement as well as foreseeing opportunities that may eventuate.
The majority of clients we work with regularly take both high-level strategic decisions and practical operational decisions at times of financial stress. A critical component of decision making is to not only understand your marketplace and your organisation but key business drivers and critical success factors which will allow you to make fully informed and timely decisions.
Our role is to support your business. As a consultancy, the service we provide is intangible and is only quantifiable over time. On that basis we need to work harder to demonstrate that we have provided value for money. A successful business knows that “word-of-mouth” is the most powerful marketing tool.